Welcome to rock hill church
Often referred to as the "Beacon of Hope on the Hilltop," RHPC's congregation is friendly with a strong heritage of service.
Often referred to as the "Beacon of Hope on the Hilltop," RHPC's congregation is friendly with a strong heritage of service.
Pastor David’s regular office hours are:
Mondays from 9:00-Noon, and
Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00-5:00,
as well as by appointment.
His cell number is 304-280-3206. He will take urgent calls at any time, but would prefer that routine calls and texts be on weekdays between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm.
You can email him at: pastor@rockhillpresbyterianchurch.com
Welcome to Rock Hill Presbyterian Church! We are a community that loves our Savior, Jesus. We love to serve. We believe in a triune God the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Being over 200 years old, we have a rich history. Our little church is registered on the National Register of Historical Places. We have people from different walks of life and religions. You will be welcomed with open arms!
Rock Hill Church has a strong background of serving their community through Bible Studies, Vacation Bible Schools, Community Outreach, a Food Pantry and so much more!
Come and see what RHPC is all about!
What can you expect when you come to RHPC? You will definitely encounter a warm and friendly atmosphere!
However here are answers to some FAQ.